Temporarily Closed Due to Sun Prairie Incident

Hi everyone,

Due to a gas explosion and fires in downtown Sun Prairie, JJ Stitches is temporarily closed. All employees are safe, but we have confirmation that the store windows have all been blown out.  We will keep you posted via Facebook on the status.

Our thoughts are with the firefighter who lost his life in this incident.


20 Responses so far.

  1. Cindy Rademaker says:

    Thank you for posting your status…my thoughts and prayers are with you, and especially with the firefighter’s family.

  2. Judy Halfman says:

    My prayers are with you all. So glad you are safe.
    Glass can be replaced.
    Customer Judy Halfman from Horicon.

  3. Donna Marx says:

    Good to hear you are all safe. Our prayers go out to Cory’s family.
    Donna Marx

  4. Kathy says:

    Julie, please know you, your staff and city are in the thoughts and prayers of all who love visiting your city and the many wonderful shops like yours.
    Love Kathy Fabisiak

  5. Dawn Block says:

    Good to hear you are safe. Prayers for your entire community as you recover from this incident.

  6. Carlene Buck says:

    When I saw the story on the NBC Nightly News, I thought of Sun Prairie and your shop. I am glad you are all okay. I was sorry to hear about the people injured and the man who died. Very sad. Since I moved from Buffalo Grove, IL to southwest Iowa I rarely get to your shop, but I remember it fondly.

  7. Sharon says:

    Glad you & your staff are all safe. Such a sad incident. Sorry about the firefight. They are such dedicated guys!
    Sharon Z.

  8. Darlene Allen says:

    Thanks so much for posting. Our prayers are with you and all those affected, most especially the family of the firefighter who lost his life.

  9. see mary quilt says:

    Heard about Sun Prairie on the news last night and immediately thought of your shop. Prayers for Cory’s family and all those affected by this.

  10. Renee Arnett says:

    I just saw the news story tonight. So sorry to hear about the loss of a firefighter. Prayers for your local community.

  11. Char says:

    Thankful you are safe. If I were closer, I would help you with what I could do.. stay safe.

  12. Kathy Breen says:

    So sorry that Sun Prairie had such a tragedy. Thinking and praying for all of you, and especially for the family of the heroic firefighter.

  13. Donna Freiman says:

    Julie, Thanks for your post and letting us know all are safe.
    Prayers are needed at a time like this. What a wonderful and caring community of Sun Prairie.

  14. Joyce Harrington says:

    I’m so happy to hear you and the staff are all safe.
    Prayers to you and the Barr Family.

    Joyce Harrington
    Ft Wayne, IN

  15. Candee Smith says:

    Glad you and your staff are all safe. Sorry to hear about the damage to the store.
    Thoughts are with the family of the firefighter and those injured .

  16. Susan Price says:

    We are glad you and your staff are safe. Looking at the photos this morning of the distroyed buildings is so sad. Our prayers are with the entire Sun Prairie business community as you start to put the businesses back together. I have spent many wonderful days ambling through the shops after my visits to J. J. Stitches.


  17. Jeffrey & Debbie Busby says:

    We are sorry to hear of the loss of the fireman’s life. We are glad to hear that you and all your staff is safe. We watched several videos about the incident.. Our thoughts and prayers are for the family of Cory Barr.

    Hope you get to open up soon. It looks like a real mess in downtown area near your shop. Jeff & Debbie

  18. Jeffrey & Debbie Busby says:

    Julie: We are sorry to hear of the loss of the fireman’s life. We are glad to hear that you and all your staff is safe. We watched several videos about the incident.. Our thoughts and prayers are for the family of Cory Barr.

    Hope you get to open up soon. It looks like a real mess in downtown area near your shop. Jeff & Debbie

  19. Mary Ritter says:

    Thinking of you. So sorry that your store has damage. Hope it’s minimal and that you’ll be able to be open soon. Glad that you and your staff are safe. If I can help with anything give me a call.

    Mary Ritter

  20. Teresa Kasch says:

    Thinking of you and everyone in Sun Prairie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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