All Tied Up With A Bow

ButtonsandBowsHi Everyone!

I’ve shown you quite a few smaller quilts over the past few months, but I haven’t tired of them yet.  I really like sewing them– they are very easy to put together and are quite fun as gifts.  Buttons and Bows,  for example, would be a delightful housewarming gift.  At 27″ x 28″, this is a manageable and fun project that you can quickly pull together.

The bows are cast in a spring-y array of pinks, greens, and browns and the flowers couldn’t be sweeter.  We appliqued the wool flowers after quilting (505 spray keeps everything nicely in place).  Order wool thread kit #5 for the colors we used on this quilt.  You never know…when you’re finished with this, you may just want to keep it for yourself!

Until next time,


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